9.2. LR parsing and augmented grammars (Dragon Book page 241…)

LR parsing

Now we turn to a class of parsers known collectively as LR parsers. The L indicates that the parser reads the input from left to right, and the R indicates that it produces a rightmost derivation (and so is a bottom-up style of parsing).

Augmented grammars

For technical reasons, we do not want the start symbol to appear on the right-hand side of any production. That is easy to arrange.

If G is a grammar with start nonterminal S, form the augmented grammar G' by adding a new nonterminal S' to G and adding one production, S'S. The start nonterminal of G' is S'.

I will describe the simplest of the LR parsers, LR(0), using an augmented version of our unambiguous expression grammar as a running example. The start nonterminal is E'.

1. E' E
2. E T
3. E E + T
4. T F
5. T T * F
6. F n
7. F ( E )