9.1. Shift-Reduce Parsing (Dragon Book pages 235–238)

Right-sentential forms and handles

Suppose that G is a grammar.

Recall that a sentential form of G is a sequence of tokens and nonterminals that can be derived from the start nonterminal.

Since a bottom-up parser does a rightmost derivation, it is to our advantage to focus attention on rightmost derivations.

Definition. A right-sentential form of G is a sequence of tokens and nonterminals that can be derived from the start nonterminal in a rightmost derivation.

Remember that the parser constructs a rightmost derivation backwards.

At any given point, it finds the right-hand side of a production, called a handle, and replaces the handle by the left-hand side of the production.

Handle pruning

For example, let's use our simple expression grammar.

Suppose that the parser is currently working on right-sentential form F * n.

The handle is F. That is the right-hand side of production TF. Replacing F by T yields T * n.

Here is a parse of n * n based on finding handles. The handle is shown in red.

Right-sent. form Production
n * n Fn
F * n TF
T * n Fn
T * F ET * F

If you read off the right-sentential forms from the end to the start, you get

E T * F
T * n
F * n
n * n

Notice that the derivation is rightmost.

An obvious issue is how the parser can know what the handle is. That is the subject of later pages.

For now, let's see a convenient way of carrying out a bottom-up parse, assuming that some way has been found to identify handles.

Shift-reduce parsing

A shift-reduce parser keeps track of two things:

  1. the remaining, unread, part of the input;
  2. a stack that holds tokens and nonterminals.

The handle is always the top one or more symbols in the stack.

There are two main kinds of actions.

  1. A shift action moves a token from the input to the top of the stack.

  2. A reduce action finds a handle α on the stack and a production N → α, and replaces α by N.

There are also two minor actions.

  1. An accept indicates that the parser has sucessfully found a derivation.

  2. An error action indicates a syntax error.

Let's do an example parse of n * n using our expression grammar.

The stack is shown with its top at the right end.

Also, I will follow the Dragon Book's convention of showing a $ at the bottom of the stack and at the end of the input.

Initially, the stack contains only its bottom marker, $.

The handle is shown in red. There is no handle for a shift action.

Stack Input Action
$ n * n $ Shift
$ n * n $ Reduce by Fn
$ F * n $ Reduce by TF
$ T * n $ Shift
$ T * n $ Shift
$ T * n $ Reduce by Fn
$ T * F $ Reduce by TT * F
$ T $ Reduce by ET
$ E $ Accept

Now we need to turn to the issue of determining which action to perform.