5.10.5. Allocating and Deallocating Memory in the Heap

Allocating memory in the heap

To allocate memory for a variable of type T, use expression new T. It allocates the required memory and returns its address (a pointer if type T*). For example,
  int*    pi = new int;
  double* pd = new double;
makes variable pi point to a newly allocate chunk of memory big enough to hold one int and pd point to newly allocated memory big enough for a value of type double.

Deallocating memory in the heap

If pointer p was given to you by an expression of the form new T, then statement
  delete p;
deallocates the memory pointed to by p. (It does not destroy p itself.) Really, it just recycles the memory. The heap manager takes ownership of the memory, and it might give that same memory back to you at a future use of new.

Important note. Only delete a pointer that was given to you by new. Never try to delete a local variable of a function. Doing that will cause chaos to ensue.

Allocating memory in C

Although we are using C++, it is worth mentioning that the new operator is not part of C. To allocate memory in the heap in a C program, you use a more primitive mechanism: a call to a function called malloc, which takes one argument, the number of bytes to allocate, and returns a pointer of type void* to a newly allocated chunk of that many bytes. Statements
  int*    p = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int));
  double* q = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double));
are similar to the statements above that allocate using new. For any type T, sizeof(T) is the number of bytes that a variable of type T needs.

Deallocating memory in C

If p is a pointer that was given to you using malloc, then statement
gives the memory pointed to by p back to the heap manager. Malloc and free are not necessarily compatible with new and delete. Allocating using new and then deallocating using free can cause chaos to reign.

Watch out: Don't deallocate too soon

Only deallocate memory when you are truly finished with that memory. If you have more than one pointer to a chunk of memory, then deallocating that chunk makes all pointers to it stale; they are pointing to memory that you are no longer allowed to use. Those pointers are called dangling pointers.

Watch out: no automatic deallocation in the heap

Some languages, such as Java, use garbage collectors that periodically go through the heap and recycle chunks of memory that are not being used. That does not happen in a C++ program. If you lose all pointers to a chunk of memory without deallocating that memory then you have a memory leak. Your program will continue to own that memory, but has no way of ever using it again. A very small memory leak is not a problem. But if a program allocates a lot of memory and never deallocates it, the program's memory footprint will grow and grow.

When your program stops, all of the memory that it owns is automatically recovered by the operating system. So a memory leak is only relevant while a program is running; it does not affect the system after the program stops.


  1. Write a statement that creates variable p of type long* and makes p point to newly allocated memory of type long. Use the C++ method of allocating memory. Answer

  2. Suppose that the memory pointed to by p from the preceding question is no longer needed. Write a statement that deallocates that memory. Answer

  3. What is a memory leak? Answer

  4. What are the consequences of a memory leak? Answer

  5. What is a dangling pointer? Answer

  6. Is the following function a suitable substitute for the new operator for allocating new memory to hold one int?

      int* newInt()
        int n;
        return &n;
    That is, can you use
      int* p = newInt();
    instead of
      int* p = new int;