Department of Computer Science


During the course of the REU program, participants will have the opportunity to go on a variety of excursions to local points of interest. These excursions will allow participants to explore the surrounding area and learn more about the local culture and history. Some possible excursions include visits to local museums and national parks. These outings will provide a chance for participants to take a break from their research and have some fun while learning more about the community they are living in. Excursions are a great way for participants to bond with their peers and make lasting memories. They also provide an opportunity for participants to step outside of their comfort zone and try new things. We encourage all participants to take advantage of these excursions and make the most of their time in the REU program.

Wright Brothers Memorial

Visiting the Wright Brothers Museum is a great opportunity to learn about the history of aviation and the pioneering efforts of Orville and Wilbur Wright. The museum offers a wide range of exhibits and interactive displays that allow visitors to explore the Wright brothers' journey from the early days of their bicycle shop to their historic first flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Additionally, the museum hosts a variety of educational programs and events throughout the year, making it an ideal destination for students and history enthusiasts alike. Whether you are an aviation enthusiast or simply want to learn more about the Wright brothers and their impact on the world, the Wright Brothers Museum is sure to be an enjoyable and educational experience.

Queen Anne's Revenge Conservation Lab

Visiting the Queen Anne's Revenge Conservation Lab is a truly unique and educational experience. The lab is dedicated to the preservation and study of artifacts recovered from the wreckage of the famous pirate Blackbeard's flagship, the Queen Anne's Revenge. As you enter the lab, you are immediately struck by the sense of history and adventure that fills the air. The walls are lined with fascinating exhibits detailing the history of the ship and the pirates who sailed on it, and you can't help but feel a sense of awe as you imagine what it must have been like to live and work on such a vessel. One of the highlights of a visit to the lab is the opportunity to see the artifacts that have been recovered from the wreckage up close. From cannons and muskets to everyday items like cooking pots and clothing, these artifacts give a unique insight into the lives of the pirates who sailed on the Queen Anne's Revenge. But the lab is not just a place for history buffs. It is also a working conservation facility, where skilled technicians use state-of-the-art techniques to preserve and restore the artifacts for future generations. It is truly amazing to see the care and attention that goes into the preservation process, and you can't help but feel a sense of respect and admiration for the dedicated professionals who work at the lab.