14.4. PSPACE-Complete Problems

Definition of PSPACE-completeness

Definition. Decision problem A is PSPACE-complete if both of the following are true.

  1. A ∈ PSPACE.

  2. For every X ∈ PSPACE, Xp A.

Quantified boolean formulas

A quantified boolean formula is a clausal formula where all of the variables are explicitly quantified, using either ∀ or ∃.

For example, ∀xy(x ∨ ¬y) is true if for every value of x (either true or false) there is a value of y (also true or false) so that formula (x ∨ ¬y) is true. That is correct. If x is true, choose any y. If x is false, choose y = false.

Compare the following two quantified boolean formulas.

  1. xy((xy) ∧ (¬x ∨ ¬y))

  2. yx((xy) ∧ (¬x ∨ ¬y))

Formula (1) is true. If x = true, choose y = false. If x = false, choose y = true.

Formula (2) is false. It says that you can select one value of y so that (xy) ∧ (¬x ∨ ¬y) is true for that y and every x. But there is no such y.


TQBF is the following problem.

Input. A quantified boolean formula φ

Question. Is φ true?

Notice that SAT is a special case of TQBF where all quantifiers must be ∃. But TQBF is much tougher than SAT.

Theorem. TQBF is PSPACE-complete.

The proof has two parts: (1) show that TQBF ∈ PSPACE and (2) for every problem X ∈ PSPACE, Xp TQBF. Part (1) is shown below. Part (2) is by a generic reduction that is too long to duplicate here.

The practical import of PSPACE-completeness is that TQBF is very time-consuming to solve for smaller lengths than SAT.


To see if quantified boolean formula φ is true, just run tqbf(φ, {}), where the set parameter gives a list of variable bindings.

tqbf(φ, bindings)
if φ has the form ∃x(φ′), then
  if tqbf(φ′, bindings ∪ {x = false}) or
     tqbf(φ′, bindings ∪ {x = true}) then
    answer true
    answer false
  end if

else if φ has the form ∀x(φ′), then
  if tqbf(φ′, bindings ∪ {x = false}) and
     tqbf(φ′, bindings ∪ {x = true}) then
    answer true
    answer false
  end if

  evaluate φ using the variable 
    values given in bindings.
  If φ is true
    answer true
    answer false
end if

Suppose that φ has length n. Then φ has fewer than n quantifiers. Computing tqbf(φ, {}) requires recursion to a depth of less than n.

Each frame only needs to store a small amount of information, namely where it is in the program.

So the total amount of space is O(n).


If NP = PSPACE, then for every true quantified boolean formula φ, there must be some short, easy to check evidence that φ is true.

What would that evidence look like?

It is partly the apparent lack of such evidence that leads people to conjecture that NP ≠ PSPACE.