8.5. Parsing Conflicts

Let's build the top-down parsing table for a slightly different grammar.

1. L ε
2. L N
3. N E
4. N E, N
5. E n

The FIRST and FOLLOW sets for that grammar are:

FIRST(X) {n, ε} {n} {n}
FOLLOW(X) {$} {$} {,, $}

The parsing table is as follows.

Table D
n , $
L 2 1
N 3,4
E 6

The algorithm adds two productions to one of the cells in the table. When that happens, it is called a parsing conflict

The problem is that the parser cannot know whether to use production NE or NE , N, based on a single-token lookahead. That decision depends on whether the E is followed by a comma, and that would require a longer lookahead.