1.10. Structure of a Compiler

The front end

A compiler generally starts with a front end that handles the language syntax and some of the language semantics.

string lexer sequence of
semantic parser compiler

Intermediate code generation

Some compilers generate code during the parsing process. (So the semantic part of the semantic parser is the code generation.)

More commonly, the compiler generates intermediate code that is processed by a intermediate code analyzer and improver and a back end that generates the final code.

sem. parser intermediate
analysis/improvement intermediate
code generator final output

Abstract syntax trees

Another common strategy is for the semantic parser to generate abstract syntax trees, which describe the structure of a section of a program. This gives the compiler writer more flexibility to handle difficult constructs.

sem. parser ASTs intermed. code gen. intermediate


A compiler can produce abstract syntax trees and send them directly to an interpreter, which processes them. In this scheme, no code is generated. This is what your project will do.

sem. parser ASTs interpreter