14.4. Statements and Control Flow:
Better Approach
(Dragon Book, Section 6.6)

Inherited attributes offer an efficient way to generate boolean expressions.

Each boolean expression B has two inherited abbributes, B.true and B.false.

The idea is that B should arrange to branch to label B.true when B is true and to branch to label B.false when B is false. There is no attribute B.addr; the value of B is not stored in a variable.

Each statement S has an inherited attribute S.next, which is a label to which S should branch if it needs to do a branch at a place other than its end.

Production and action
B → E1 == E2
  gen(If E1.addr ≠ E2.addr goto B.false);
  gen(goto B.true);
B → E1 < E2
  gen(If E1.addr ≥ E2.addr goto B.false);
  gen(goto B.true);
B → true
  gen(goto B.true);
B → false
  gen(goto B.false);
B → 
  B1.true = newLabel();
  B1.false = B.false;
  gen(label B1.true);
  B2.true = B.true
  B2.false = B.false
and B2
B → 
  B1.true = B.true;
  B1.false = newLabel();
  gen(label B1.false);
  B2.true = B.true
  B2.false = B.false
or B2
B → 
  B1.true = B.false
  B1.false = B.true
not B1
S → id = E
  gen(id.name = E.addr);
S → {
  SL.next = S.next;
SL }
SL → 
  SL1.next = newLabel();
  S.next = SL.next;
  gen(label SL1.next);
SL → ε
  Do nothing
S → if
  B.true = newLabel();
  B.false = newLabel();
( B )
  gen(label B.true);
  S1.next = S2.next = S.next;
S1 else
  gen(goto S.next);
  gen(label B.false);
S → if
  B.true = newLabel();
  B.false = S1.next = S.next
( B )
  gen(label B.true);
S → while
  begin = newLabel();
  B.true = newlabel();
  B.false = S.next;
  S1.next = begin;
  gen(label begin)
( B )
  gen(label B.true);
  gen(goto begin);

An example

Let's use the above rules to translate

  count = 0;
  while(x < y) {
    count = 2*count;
    x = x + 1;
into intermediate code. Here is the result.

t1 = 0               // count = 0
count = t1
label L1             // start while loop
if x ≥ y goto L4
goto L2
label L2
t3 = 2               // count = 2*count
count = t3 * count
label L3
t4 = 1               // x = x + 1
x = x + t4
goto L1              // end of while loop
label L4