Answer to Question balance-2

Using the basic algorithm yields the following tree.
         /  \
        /    \
       5     15
      /     /  \
     /     /    \
    2     12     20
         /      /  \
        /      /    \
       11    18      21
Walking back up the path to the newly inserted node, all of the nodes are height-balanced except the root, holding 10. Two steps downward from there toward the higher subtree takes two steps to the right, so this is a zig-zig, calling for a single rotation. After doing that single rotation, the tree is as follows.
          /  \
         /    \
        /      \
       10       20
      /  \     /  \
     /    \   /    \
    5     12 18     21
   /     /            \
  /     /              \
 2    11                25