5.10.3. More on Pointers

Reference variables

The pointer variables that we have seen so far are explicit pointers. If you want to see what such a variable points to, you use the * operator. C++ also supports implicit pointer variables, called reference variables. Statement

  int x = 1;
  int& v = x;

  v = 20;
puts the address of variable x into v. Any time you use v, you implicitly use x instead. So the assignment of 20 to v actually stores 20 into x. An implicit * is added.

Notice that you do not explicitly write &x in the line that creates v. That is also done implicitly.

Const and pointers

If you create an integer

  const int size = 50;
then it is clear that you cannot change size. But what about the following?
  int x = 25;
  const int* p = &x;
Does the const designator indicate that you cannot change p or that you cannot change *p? The definition of C++ says that you cannot change *p. So
  int x = 25;
  const int* p = &x;
  *p = 3;
is not allowed. More precisely, if p is marked const, then you cannot use p to change *p. You are still allowed to write
  int x = 25;
  const int* p = &x;
  x = 3;

You are allowed to store a different memory address into a const pointer. For example,

  int x = 50;
  int y = 100;
  const int* p = &x;
  p = &y;
is allowed.

If you want to make the pointer variable itself fixed, write const after the type. For example, if q is created as follows

int n = 0; int const * q = &n;

indicates that variable q itself cannot be changed, but *q can be changed. To make q and *q constant, write
  const int const * q = &n;