CSCI 6420
Spring 2011
Exercise Set 5

Due. Monday, March 28 at the beginning of class.

Write clearly readable and well thought out answers to all of the following questions.

  1. Do there exist any problems that are neither in P nor in NP?

  2. Suppose that A and B are two languages where B is in NP and A is a subset of B. Is A necessarily in NP?

  3. A simple cycle in a graph is a cycle that contains no vertex more than once.

    The LONGEST-CYCLE problem is as follows.

    Input. An undirected graph G and a positive integer K

    Question. Does G have a simple cycle containing at least K vertices?

    The HAMILTON-CYCLE problem is as follows. It is known to be NP-complete.

    Input. An undirected graph G

    Question. Does G have a simple cycle containing all of its vertices?

    Using the fact that the HAMILTON-CYCLE problem is NP-complete, show that the LONGEST-CYCLE problem is NP-complete.

  4. Define DOUBLE-SAT to be the problem of determining whether a CNF formula can be satisfied by at least two different vectors of values for the variables. Show that DOUBLE-SAT is NP-complete.

    (Hint: First show that DOUBLE-SAT is in NP. Then reduce 3SAT to DOUBLE-SAT. Your reduction can add new variables. Try to double the number of satisfying assignments.)

  5. If f is a CNF formula, then A NOT-ALL-EQUAL assignment (NAE-assignment) of values to variables is one such that every clause has at least one true literal and at least one false literal.

    NOT-ALL-EQUAL-3SAT (NAE-3SAT) is the following problem.

    Input. A 3-CNF formula f.

    Question. Is there a NAE-assignment of values for the variables of f? That is, is there an assignment of values to the variables in formula f so that each clause has at least one true literal and at least one false literal?

    Show that NAE-3SAT is NP-complete.


    1. First show that NAE-3SAT is in NP.

    2. The negation of an assignment of values to variables is one where you negate the values of all of the variables. Show that the negation of a NAE-assignment is another NAE-assignment.

    3. Show how to reduce 3SAT to NAE-3SAT in polynomial time. Create a new variable b and one variable for each clause. Call the variable for the i-th clause zi. Replace each clause (y1 \/ y2 \/ y3) by two clauses (y1 \/ y2 \/ zi) /\ (not(zi) \/ y3 \/ b), where not(zi) is the negation of zi. Do not just assume this works. Show that it does.

      You will encounter a difficulty in showing that it works. Bring in your result from part (b). If the assignment you are looking at is not suitable, consider its negation.

  6. A nonerasing homomorphism (NEH) is a function that takes a character and produces a nonempty string. For example, you might define NEH h over alphabet {a,b,c} by h(a) = cb, h(b) = a and h(c) = bcb. You define how a NEH h works on strings by letting it replace each character separately by a string. Using our example h, h(ab) = cba (where the a has been replaced by cb and the b has been replaced by a), h(cc) = bcbbcb and h(cab) = bcbcba.

    If L is a language and f is a function that takes a string and yields a string, define f(L) = {f(x) | x in L}. That is, f(L) contains the image under f of every member of language L.

    There is a notion of closure of sets under functions. The set of integers is closed under the function f(x) = 2x since, whenever x is an integer, 2x is also an integer. The set of integers is not closed under function g(x) = x/2 since g(1) is not an integer.

    We need to look at languages instead of numbers. A class C of languages is closed under function f if, for every language L in class C, f(L) is also in C.

    1. Show that NP is closed under NEHs. (Hint. Suppose that S is in NP. Then there must be a nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm that takes an input x and tells you whether x is in S. You need to find a nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm to decide whether a given string y is in h(S). But y is in h(S) just when there exists a string x such that x is in S and y = h(x). How does the length of x compare to the length of y? Can it x be longer than y? Describe a nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm for deciding membership in h(S), using the nondeterministic polynomial time algorithm for S.)

    2. Show that, if P = NP, then P is closed under NEHs. (Hint. You have already done it. What does '=' mean?)

    3. Show that, if P is closed under NEHs, then P = NP. (Hint. The difference between P and NP is one of information (the evidence). Although a NEH cannot erase characters, it can erase information. (You can wipe out the information on a disk by replacing every bit by 0. You did not remove any of the bits, but the information is gone. When you type a password into a box, you typically see an asterisk for each character.) Suppose that P is closed under NEHs One problem that is in P is the problem of checking whether a particular assignment of truth values to variables makes a propositional formula true. Let CHECK be this truth-checking problem. Show that, by stating the truth-checking problem appropriately, and choosing an appropriate NEH $h$, you can arrange for h(CHECK) to be NP-complete. What information do you want to erase? (It is not the formula.))

    4. Conclude that P = NP if and only if P is closed under NEHs.

    5. Does anybody know whether P is closed under NEHs?