Computer Science 6220
Fall 1999
Homework Exercise 4

Due: Oct 21.

The assignment

Chapter 13 of Sethi contains an interpreter for an extension of lambda-calculus, written in Scheme. Read that chapter.

Write an interpreter for a similar language, but in Astarte. Make your interpreter simple and elegant. Write comments to make it readable.

The subset should include the following forms.

const i
This is a constant, given by the integer i.

unary f
This is a function given by f. Here, f must be a function that takes an integer and produces an integer. For example f might be the built-in negation function, (-).

binary f
This is a function given by f. Here, f must be a binary function that takes a pair of integers and produces an integer. For example, f might be the addition function (+).

This is a variable. The name of the variable is x. Here, x should be a string. (This is function ** applied to string x. A short name is used to make expressions easier to write.)

a ==> (b,c)
This is a conditional. If a is 0, then its value is c. If a is nonzero, its value is b. Here, ==> is a binary operator.

bind (x,e) v
This is a binding (a let). It binds variable x to e, and then evaluates v. Here, x should be a string that is the name of a variable, and e and v should be expressions.

lambda x v
This is a function lambda x.v. Here, x is a string that is the name of a variable, and v is an expression.

u @@ v
This is the result of applying function u to argument v. Here u and v are expressions, and @@ is a binary operator.

Here are some examples of expressions.

  1. (binary +) @@ (const 4) @@ (const 6) This expression is applying the + function to 4 and 6. Its value is (const 10). Each time you apply a function, you must use operator @@.

  2. (lambda "r" ((binary +) @@ **"r" @@ **"r")) @@ (const 7) This applies a function lambda r.r+r to the number 7. It should produce value (const 14). Notice that uses of variable "r" must be preceded by **.

  3. Suppose you define function predicate by
         Let predicate(?f) = binary(?x => If f(x) then 1 else 0 %If).
    Then ((predicate >) @@ (const 3) @@ (const 5)) ==> (8,20) yields value 20, since 3 is not greater than 5.

  4. bind ("z", (binary +) @@ (const 4) @@ (const 5)) ((binary *) @@ **"z" @@ **"z") evaluates to 81, since it binds z to 4+5 and then computes z*z.

You will want auxiliary forms of expressions that represent intermediate results.

closure (f, env)
This is a function closure. It represents function f, where the values of free variables in f are given by environment env.

binaryClosure (f, v)
This is the result of applying a built-in binary operator f to a value v. This is a function that is waiting for its next argument before it can run.

This is the value of an expression that has encountered an error, such as applying a basic unary function to a value that is not a constant integer.

Using types

You will want a type Expression of expressions. Create a line for each kind of expression. The type can be define as follows.
  Operator @@(_opL9_). 
    Abbrev Environment = [(String,Expression)].

    Species Expression =
      | errorExpression
      | const         Integer
      | unary         Integer -> Integer
      | binary        (Integer, Integer) -> Integer
      | **            String
      | bind'         (String, Expression, Expression)
      | lambda'       (String, Expression)
      | closure       (Expression,Environment)
      | binaryClosure ((Integer,Integer) -> Integer, Integer)

      | Expression @@ Expression
      | Expression ==> (Expression, Expression)
Functions bind' and lambda' are present because Astarte does not currently allow curried functions in type definitions. Define
   Let bind (?x,?e) ?v = bind' (x,e,v).
   Let lambda ?x ?v = lambda'(x,v).
to define bind and lambda.

You can begin writing your interpreter as follows. The value of an expression is another expression, but one reduced to simplest (normal) form.

  Lazylet eval by
    case eval (const ?i) ?     = (const i)
    case eval (** ?x)    ?env  = assoc x env

Test your interpreter. When you want to print an expression, use function $.

Hand in the interpreter by emailing it to me. Include a tester.