Keep it simple. Here are two approaches. Other approaches are also possible.
  1. List x is a suffix of list y if the reversal of x is a prefix of the reversal of y. So a definition of suffix is

          suffix(x,y)        = prefix(reverse(x), reverse(y))
          prefix([], y)      = true
          prefix(a::r, b::t) = a == b  and  prefix(b,t)
          prefix(a::r, [])   = false

  2. To determine whether list x is a suffix of list y, get the suffix s of y whose length is the same as the length of x. Then just check whether s = x. Of course, if x is longer than y, then x is obviously not a suffix of y.

         suffix(x,y) = length(y) >= length(x)  and  drop(length(y) - length(x), y) == x

    We wrote the definition of drop in class.

           drop(0, y)      = y
           drop(?, [])     = []
           drop(n+1, ?::t) = drop n t

    The definition above requires computing length(x) and length(y) twice. You can avoid that by giving names to the two lengths. I will use a bar notation, where definitions after the bar are done first, then the expression is evaluated.

         suffix(x,y) = ly >= lx  and  drop(ly - lx, y) == x |
                         lx = length(x)
                         ly = length(y)
    In Cinnameg, you would write this as follows.
      Define suffix(x,y) = ly >= lx  and  drop(ly - lx, y) == x |
                            Let lx = length x.
                            Let ly = length y.

    Notice that it is important not to compute drop(ly - lx, y) when lx > ly, since you cannot drop a negative number of values from a list. The definition of suffix takes advantage of the nature of the and operator. Expression a and b is equivalent to cond(a, b, false).

    Later, we will see lazy evaluation, and a Define statement that avoids evaluating an expression until it the value is used. Using Define, you could write

      Define suffix(x,y) = ly >= lx  and  s == x |
                              lx = length x;
                              ly = length y;
                              s  = drop(ly - lx, y)
    Here, s is defined even when ly - lx is negative, but the drop expression will not be evaluated then because its value is not used.