Computer Science 3675
Fall 2004
Programming Assignment 3

Due: Oct 30, 11:59pm.

This is an exercise to see how a nontrivial program can be written using pure functions. The goal is to write short and simple programs. In a few places you will need to use imperative operations that call for doing something, but that should be kept to a bare minimum. Instead, just describe what you want using equations. (Note: giving something a name, as in Let x = y %Let, is considered a functional style, since all you are doing is naming something, not changing something. On the other hand, Relet x = y %Relet is asking to change the binding of x, and is not a functional style.)

Where possible and convenient, use higher order functions to make your work simpler. Let the tool-building tools build your tools for you.

This is a fairly long assignment. First, read the entire assignment. Then follow the steps listed. If you do the program step by step, you will find that the individual steps are very short and simple, and you get a working product quite quickly.

Do not try to write the entire program and then test it, regardless of how appealing that approach might seem to you right now. Test each function as you go. Include examples in your definitions. Failure to do this will cause you grief.

The RSA system

For this exercise, you will encipher and decipher files using the RSA system. (The name comes from the names of the authors of a paper that described it: Rivest, Shamir and Adleman.) RSA is an industrial strength cryptographic system used in such applications as PGP.

Please read how the RSA system works.

The Assignment

For this assignment, you will write three Astarte programs,

  1. A program to compute the key sets (called keygen.ast);
  2. A program to encipher (called encipher.ast);
  3. A program to decipher (called decipher.ast).
In addition, you will write a package of functions for those three packages to share. So there will be a total of four packages. Each package will be fairly short, in the rough vicinity of 30 noncomment lines. (Your line count will vary. Noncomment lines do not count blank lines. Do not try to pack things together to achieve a given line count.)

Break your programs into small, simple functions.

Please include clear and useful comments in your packages. Write them for other people to read. Some rules of thumb about commenting are the following.

  1. Direct your comments to someone who knows a little less than you do, but assume the reader knows the basics of the language and what fundamental library functions do. Do not explain the language.

  2. Use examples in your comments. Showing how your program or function processes an example can make it much clearer what is going on, if the examples are chosen well.

  3. Write in clear, complete sentences. Spell words correctly, and use correct punctuation.

  4. Write the comments into the program during development, not when you are finished with development. That way, they will help you. Those who write clear comments during development will finish sooner.

You will need to import some library packages. See [Hints on importing library packages].

Assignment, Part 1. Strings and Numbers

The RSA system enciphers numbers. What you want to encipher, however, is a string. Also, you will find it convenient to use a string as the key that the user gives. The user might need to remember the key, and strings are easier to remember than numbers. So you need a way to convert from strings to integers and back. You will create a function stringToNumber that converts a string into a number, and numberToString that converts back. (So numberToString(stringToNumber(s)) = s.) These functions will be useful in more than one place, so put them into your package of shared functions. Your package will look something like this. (Note the expect part, which tells other packages that functions stringToNumber and numberToString are defined here, but does not say how they work. Parts in black should be written exactly as they are here. Parts in red need to be replaced with your definitions.)
Package RSATools


  stringToNumber: String -> Natural;
  numberToString: Natural -> String;


 Your definitions go here.


After you write these functions, be sure to test them before going on. Be sure that numberToString(stringToNumber(s)) = s. [Hint on writing stringToNumber and numberTostring].

Part 2. Selecting Keys

The user will give you two things. The first is a security parameter, indicating how much security is desired. A security parameter of 2 will give very low security (but rapid computation), and a parameter of 50 will give high security (but slow computation). The second thing that the user will give you is a key string, which is used to compute the key integers n, e and d that the RSA system needs.

Write a program that reads the security parameter S and the key string and computes the numbers n, e and d. The prime numbers p and q should be chosen to be random prime numbers in the range from 257S to 257S+1. The program should then write the ordered triple (2S, n, e) to one file, called pub.key, and the ordered pair (n, d) to another file called priv.key. (Number 2S (twice S) has been added to help break the file down into parts. See enciphering, below.) You can use function WriteFile to write the files.

To get a string from the user, just get an entire line, and strip any white space at either end, since it is invisible, but will affect the key. Use stringToNatural to convert a string of decimal digits to a natural number. [Hint on getting a line]

Implement this program in stages, checking the result of each stage.

  1. First just get S and the key string. Then print them back. Print the number S, to be sure that you converted correctly. Did you get what you expected?

  2. Print out e, d and n to see whether they are reasonable. Show the value of e*d mod phi. Is it 1, as it should be? Turn the lights on for testing.

Part 3. Enciphering

Write a program that enciphers. In the Unix version, you should use command

  astr encipher myfile.txt myfile.cph
to place, in myfile.cph, an enciphered version of myfile.txt. The program should read the key set (2S,n,e) from file pub.key.

The command line arguments can be obtained from commandLine. In the example above, commandLine is the list ["myfile.txt", "myfile.cph"].

For the Windows version, set the command line parameters by selecting Run|Command lines, and typing the arguments into the box labeled program. For example, you might type myfile.txt myfile.cph into that box.

The content of file myfile.txt, as a string, can be obtained as the value of expression infile [binaryMode] ("myfile.txt"). What you want is infile [binaryMode] (commandLine#1). See infile.

The string in the file to encipher will, in general, be too long to encipher as a single unit. Recall that decipher(encipher(k)) = k only for k < n, so the numbers to encipher must not be too large. You will need to break the string to encipher down into pieces of a reasonable length, so that you can encipher each piece separately. You need to convert the long string into a list of shorter strings. The first part of the key triple, 2S, tells how many characters to put in each piece. The prime numbers p and q were chosen to be larger than 257S, so n > 2572S. That is sufficiently large that, for any string x of 2S characters, stringToNumber(x) < n. [Hint on breaking up the input]

Get the public key triple. [Hint on getting the key triple] At this point, you have made the file content into a list of strings, where the individual pieces have length 2S. Change this into a list of numbers, by using stringToNumber on each string in the list. Then get another list where each number x is replaced by encipher(x). (What kind of operation is this?) This list is the enciphered version of the file. Write it to the file that should hold the enciphered text. [Hint on writing the list]

Part 4. Deciphering

To decipher, reverse the process. For the Unix version, command

   astr decipher myfile.cph myfile.plain
should write, into file myfile.plain, the deciphered version of myfile.cph. It should get the key triple from file priv.key.

The deciphered version of the file should be identical to the original. The Unix command diff compares files, and tells you how they differ. If you do the encipher and decipher operations shown, and then do command

   diff myfile.txt myfile.plain
then you should find no differences. (The diff command will not print anything at all to show that there are no differences.) If there are any differences at all, fix your program.

One thing to watch for is misuse of the $ function. If you apply $ to a string, $ will put quote marks around the string. For example, $("abc") = "\"abc\"". Only run $ on a string if you want to add the quote marks.

See [Hint on reading a list] to see how to read the enciphered file in.

Part 5. Reporting progress

This program will be fairly slow when n is large. After the program works, modify the encipher and decipher programs so that they say how many blocks must be enciphered or deciphered, and then print a dot as each block is finished. Put all of the dots on one line. So use Write instead of Writeln. This should be a very easy modification. If it looks difficult, you are missing something. Note that this is an imperative aspect of the program. You are performing an action while computing results.

Be careful. The Write procedure accumulates a string into a buffer and only prints the buffer when it is ready. You will want to flush the buffer at each write, so that the progress can be seen. Use

to flush the standard output buffer.

Turning in your program.

Turn in the source code of your program using the submit program, as assignment 3.

   ~karl/3675/bin/submit 3 RSATools.ast keygen.ast encipher.ast decipher.ast

Be sure to include your name in every source file.