Computer Science 3650
Spring 2015
Practice Questions for Quiz 4

  1. What is the definition of the class NP?


  2. What is the definition of an NP-complete problem? (What properties does a problem A need to have in order to be NP-complete?)


  3. Is the Satisfiability Problem (SAT) known to be NP-complete, or only conjectured to be NP-complete?


  4. Is it known that P ≠ NP, or is that only conjectured?


  5. Two graphs G and H are isomorphic  if they have the same number of vertices and it is possible to number their vertices so that the set of edges in G is exactly the same as the set of edges in H. For example, after renumbering the vertices, for each i and j, if G has an edge between vertices i and j, then H also has an edge between i and j, and the other way around. Two isomorphic graphs have the same structure.

    The Graph Isomorphism Problem (GIP) is as follows.

    Input. Two undirected graphs G and H.

    Question. Are G and H isomorphic?

    Show that GIP is in NP.


  6. A subgraph  of a graph is obtained by deleting zero or more vertices and zero or more edges. If vertex v is deleted, all edges that are incident on v must also be deleted.

    The Subgraph Isomorphism Problem  (SIP) is as follows.

    Input. Two undirected graphs G and H.

    Question. Does there exist a subgraph of G that is isomorphic to H?

    Show that SIP is in NP.


  7. Let HCP by the Hamilton Cycle Problem. Show that HCP ≤p SIP by giving a polynomial time reduction from HCP to SIP.


  8. Are the results from questions 6 and 7 sufficient to show that SIP is NP-complete?
