CSCI 3510 Programming Assignment 4

First solution due: June 11, 5:00pm
Second solution due: June 18, 5:00pm

This assignment has you implement an abstract data type and a tester for that abstract data type. Follow a refinement plan such as the one at the end of the assignment. Do not attempt to write all of the program before testing.

An abstract data type

Write an implementation of height-balanced binary search trees as an abstract data type. Only implement

  1. the lookup operation (which is exactly the same as the naive algorithm, since it does not rebalance);
  2. the insertion operation;
  3. the extractMin and extractMax operations;
  4. the deletion operation;
  5. an operation to print a tree, showing its structure. See below.

Implement the abstract data type as a class. However, the class can be designed as a wrapper of a classical implementation. See below.

An application

Write an application that reads four numbers a, b, c and d from the user, where it is required that a < b and c < d. It should then do the following.
  1. Insert the numbers a, a+1, ..., b into an initially empty tree, in ascending order.

  2. Insert d, d-1, ..., c into that same tree, in descending order.

  3. Print the tree.

  4. For each of a, a+1, ..., b and each of c, c+1, ..., d, ask whether the number is in the tree. If any are not, print a complaint.

  5. Remove the numbers c, c+1, ..., d, in that order, from the tree.

  6. Print the tree again.

Printing a tree

A reasonable way to print a tree is to use indentation to show the structure of the tree. Tree

       /   \
     80    500
would be printed as follows.
  node: 300
    leaf: 80
    leaf: 500
                /    \
              10     55
             /  \      \
            4   17     75
would be as follows.
  node: 20
    node: 10
      leaf: 4
      node: 17
        leaf: 12
    node: 55
      leaf: 75
This way, you can see the tree in the indentation. Be sure to include the null subtrees at nodes with just one child, since otherwise it is impossible to know whether the single child is a left child or a right child. You will want a function printtree(t,n) that prints tree t with its first line indented n spaces, and remaining lines indented appropriate amounts from there. For example, if t is the tree
       /   \
     80    500
then printtree(t,6) would print
      node: 300
        leaf: 80
        leaf: 500
where the entire thing has been indented 6 spaces. You might find it convenient to make each indent unit two spaces rather than one, in which case printtree(t,6) calls for indenting 6 indentation units, which would be 12 spaces.

Wrapper classes

Often, a class is created by writing a classical implementation of an abstract data type, and then writing a class that acts as an interface to that classical data type. That is what you should do here. Your tree class will use a tree type that is implemented in the way discussed in class. Since a tree represents a set of numbers, call the class Set. The set is supposed to hide the way that it implements sets.

A set object will hold a binary search tree. Here is what your set class will look like.

      class Set {
          Tree t;

          void Insert(int x);
          int Remove();
          bool IsEmpty(); 
          void MakeEmpty();     
          void PrintTree();     // For testing
The class implementation uses the classical data structure to do the job. For example, if you have an insert operation in your binary search tree data structure, then your Insert operation for class Set will look like this.
       void Set::Insert(int x)
Be careful. If you use exactly the same name in the class as you use in the tree data structure, you might need to put :: in front of it to ensure that the compiler understands that you mean the one from outside the class, not the one inside the class. For example, if both insert operations have name Insert, you write
       void Set::Insert(int x)


Here is a suggested plan for implementing this program.

  1. Implement the tree classical data structure with just the lookup and insert operations, without rebalancing. Implement the print operation. Write the first four steps of the tester, but make them refer directly to the classical data structure. Do not use the class yet. Test your program.

  2. Modify the classical data structure implementation of the insert operation so that it rebalances. This will involve implementing the rotation operations. Test the program again. If there are problems, fix them. One way to deal with this is to comment out all but one of the rotation operations, and instead implement it as a "stub" that has no effect. That way, you can introduce and test one rotation operation at a time.

    When testing the rotations, put a print in each rotation that says that it is being performed. Make sure your tests do all of the rotations. If they don't, try some other tests.

  3. Add the ExtractMin and ExtractMax operations, without rebalancing. Write a tester to call them on a few inputs. Check your results.

  4. Now make the ExtractMin and ExtractMax operations rebalance. Test them with the same tester. You should get different results for the trees.

  5. Add the remove function. It uses ExtractMin and ExtractMax. Add the rest of the test to the program, still using the classical data structure directly.

  6. Now write the Set class. Modify your tester to use the set class instead of using the classical data structure directly. Test your program.
Pay attention to the trees that you get. If your program is supposed to be balancing, but the trees are unbalanced, something is wrong. You might want to write a function, just for testing, that tells whether a tree is balanced by checking all of the nodes. If it detects an unbalanced tree, you might make your program print a warning.

Things to watch for and debugging hints

Pay attention to your tests. Don't presume that, just because your program passes a few very small tests that it will work on larger trees. Also don't presume that a test has produced the correct answer without looking a the answer to see whether it is correct.

Look for memory leaks. Be sure to delete memory that is no longer needed. However, be wary of deleting memory that you still need. A good idea is to enclose all of your deletes in ifdefs. For example, if you are going to delete a node pointed to by pointer r, write

     delete r;
#  endif
Normally, you write
at the top of the program. That way, the delete instructions are compiled. If your program is not working, however, and you suspect you might be creating dangling pointers, comment out that line, as
//#define DO_DELETIONS
and compile again. If the problem goes away, you know what the source of the problem is.

Program structure

The final program must be written as a separate application and abstract data type. The abstract data type can be put into one module (holding the class Set and the binary search tree implementation) or in two modules (one holding the class Set and another holding the binary search tree implementation). The testing application must be in a separate file.