Computer Science 3300
Spring 2006
Section 001
Programming Assignment 2

Assigned: January 30
Design due: February 2, 11:59pm
First version due: February 14, 11:59pm
Second version due: February 23, 11:59pm

Read the entire assignment before you begin to work on it.

Table of contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Design issues
  3. Algorithmic issues
  4. Implementation issues
  5. Testing
  6. Instrumentation
  7. A plan
  8. Submitting your work
  9. Frequently asked questions


Write a program that takes two arguments on the command line. The first should be a string (call it str) and the second the name of a file (another string). Your program should print, on the standard output (cout), every line of the given file that contains str as a substring. Each line must be numbered, starting with line 1. For example, if your executable program is called showlines, the command

  showlines fish myfile.txt
will print each line in file myfile.txt that contains "fish". The output might be as follows.
3. The terns eat fish that they catch
10. fishermen see the terns migrating
Note that the string being sought is not required to be a full word. It can be part of a word, for example.

If the file to be searched does not exist, your program must print a message that the file does not exist, and immediatly stop.

Your program can presume that each line of text has no more than 255 characters.

Design Issues

This program must be written according to the following design guidelines. Programs that do not follow these guidlines will receive very low scores.

  1. This program must be written in two modules.

  2. One module, which must be called showlines.cpp, must contain the main program. That module must also contain a comment describing what the program does.

  3. The other module, which must be called search.cpp, must contain a function called search that takes two parameters: (1) an array pattern of characters telling the string to search for and (2) an array text of characters to search. Both arrays are assumed to be null-terminated arrays of characters. That is, there is a null character ('\0') in the array that indicates the end of the string. (The null character is not part of the string; it is only an end marker.) The search function must produce a boolean result: true if the pattern occurs in the text string, and false if not. For example, search("dog", "the dog jumped on the couch") yields true. The heading for the search function must be

       bool search(char pattern[], char text[])

  4. File search.cpp must contain another function that is used to help in implementing function search. That function takes three parameters: a pattern, a text and an integer k. It returns a boolean result, telling whether the pattern occurs in the text starting at index k. For example, if this function is called occursAt, then occursAt("the", "the dog jumped on the couch", 0) returns true, but occursAt("dog", "the dog jumped on the couch", 0) returns false since "dog" does not occur at the beginning of the text (index 0). But occursAt("dog", "the dog jumped on the couch", 4) returns true.

    You may have other helper functions in search.cpp. Provide a clear and concise contract for every function.

  5. There must be a third file, search.h, that contains a prototype for the search function. Both showlines.cpp and search.cpp must include search.h. That is, they will have a line that says

    #include "search.h"

    File search.h must have a clear and concise contract describing what your search function does. The contract must clearly describe the role of each parameter, and the meaning of the result. The contract must not describe irrelevant things, such as the method used, or other details of the function body.

    File search.h must not contain prototypes or comments about any functions other than search. Module showlines.cpp must not include search.cpp. So, if you write
    #include "search.cpp"
    you are doing something wrong.

  6. The main program must use the search function from the search.cpp module to check a line of text. It cannot do the check directly itself.

Algorithmic Issues

The main program should perform a loop.

  linenumber = 1.
    Read a line into an array.  Determine how many characters are in the line.
    If the end of file was reached then exit the loop.
    If the pattern occurs in the line then print the line, numbered by linenumber.
    Add 1 to linenumber
  End loop

The search function should also contain a loop

  k = 0
  While there are still enough characters left in the text array from index k to the end do
    If the pattern occurs in the text at index k
      return true
    Add 1 to k.
  End loop
  Return false.

Implementation Issues

Implementation requirements

  1. The standard library contains a function called strstr that checks to see whether one string is contained in another. For this assignment you may not use that function, or any similar function. Do you own search. You may use other library functions such as strlen.

  2. Your program must not use any global variables. All communication between functions must be by parameter passing.

  3. Your program must be well indented and readable.

  4. Your program must be instrumented, as described below.

  5. You must turn in your testers for occursAt and for search.

Implementation hints

You can get the command line parameters as follows. The heading for the main function should be

   int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Then the pattern is argv[1] and the file to read is argv[2]. Each of those is an array of characters that ends on a null character ('\0'). For example, to open the file, you can write
   ifstream inf(argv[2]);
You can test whether the file existed by asking whether the file opened correctly.
tests whether the last operation on inf (including opening the file) failed.

Now you can use inf to read the file. Suppose that Line is an array of 256 characters. The following statement reads one line of text into array Line.


You can test whether you are at the end of the file using expression inf.eof(). For example, you can exit a loop when at the end of the input file as follows.

  if(inf.eof()) break;

Compiling and running the program

You can compile your program using the g++ compiler as follows.

  g++ -Wall search.cpp showlines.cpp
That will create an executable program called a.out that you can run. To look for pattern "fish" in file "info.txt", use command
  a.out fish info.txt

If you want to compile just the search.cpp module, to see whether it gets any compile errors, you can do that as follows.

  g++ -Wall -c search.cpp
You will not get an executable file, since search.cpp is not a complete program. If compilation is successful, the compiler will create a file called search.o, which is a partial program that can be combined with other progams. For example, if you have already compiled search.cpp separately, and you also compile showlines.cpp separately in a similar way, then command
  g++ search.o showlines.o
will combine (or link) search.o and showlines.o into an executable program, called a.out.


Test each function separately. Write a main program that tests your occursAt function by trying it on a few fixed strings. Here is an example tester. The prototype for occursAt is needed because that function will not have a prototype in search.h.

  #include "search.h"
  #include <iostream>
  using namespace std;
  bool occursAt(char pattern[], char text[], int k);

  void test(int n, char pattern[], char text[], int k)
    cout << "Test " << n << ": ";
    cout << occursAt(pattern, text, k);
    cout << "\n";

  int main()
    cout << "The first three tests should yield 1\n\n";

    test(1, "the dog", "the dog jumped on the couch", 0);
    test(2, "the couch", "the dog jumped on the couch", 18);
    test(3, "jumped", "the dog jumped on the couch", 8);

    cout << "\nThe next five tests should yield 0\n\n";

    test(4, "dog", "the dog jumped on the couch", 0);
    test(5, "dirigible", "the dog jumped on the couch", 4);
    test(6, "dolly", "the dog jumped on the couch", 4);
    test(7, "make", "the dog jumped on the couch", 3);
    test(8, "jumped", "the dog jumped on the couch", 9);
Write another main program that tests your search function. You are not required to write contracts for functions that perform this "unit testing".

You are required to turn in your testers for the occursAt and search functions. Do not skip them, and do not throw them away.

Now write a main program that implements the program according to the requirements. You can feel confident that the search tool that it uses is correct.

Test your program. Test that it does something sensible when the file that it is supposed to search does not exist.


Large pieces of software are instrumented. This means that it is possible to ask the programs to show what they are doing, so that, if something goes wrong, you can turn on the lights and see details of the process, and find out where the mistake is occurring.

The idea is to put extra prints in your program, but not to get rid of them when things appear to be working. Leave them in place, in case you need them again later. You can do that as follows. Surround each debug print (or section of debugging code) as in the following example.

#    ifdef DEBUG
       cout << "pattern = \"" << pattern << "\"\n";
       cout << "text    = \"" << text << "\"\n";
       cout << "index   = " << k << "\n";
#    endif
Now, at the top of your program, write
#define DEBUG
to switch on debugging. Just comment this out to turn off debugging. For example, write
//#define DEBUG
Then any parts between #ifdef DEBUG ... #endif will be ignored by the compiler, as if they were not written.

Your program is required to provide instrumentation in the occursAt function. When debugging is turned on, at the start of that function, it must show the pattern, the line and the index (k) that it is given. When that function ends (and debugging is turned on), it must report its answer.

A Plan

Here is a suggestion of steps to get this done.

  1. Write the design. Write a contract and heading for each function. Put the functions that belong in search.cpp into file search.cpp, and put the main function information into file showlines.cpp. Create file search.h, with a contract and heading for the search function. Put the line

    # include "search.h"
    at the top of both search.cpp and showlines.cpp.

    Make sure that each contract is clear and concise, and that it tells what a function does. Make sure that it is clear, from the contract, how each parameter influences the result. Refer to the parameters by their names.

    Be sure your name, the course and the assignment number are written in a comment at the top of the program. Submit the design.

  2. Write the occursAt function. Do a hand simulation with small strings to see that it appears to be right. Be sure to keep it well-indented and readable.

    Create a different main program module, such as test1.cpp, whose only job is to test the occursAt function. It should contain line

    bool occursAt(char pattern[], char text[], int k);
    to allow it to use the occursAt function. Compile test1.cpp and search.cpp together. Run the test, to see whether occursAt appears to be working.

  3. Whether or not occursAt is working, add instrumentation to it. If it is not working, you can use the instrumentation to help debug it. If it already works, you still might want this instrumentation later. Compile and run this, with debugging turned on. Then compile and run it with debugging turned off.

  4. Write the search function. Keep it well indented and readable. Do a hand simulation to see whether it appears to work.

    Now create another test file, test2.cpp, that tests the search function by trying it on a few fixed inputs. Test it. If it does not work, fix it.

  5. Now write the main program in showlines.cpp. Add some debug prints. Before opening the file, show the name of the file, for example. Test your program.

    Be sure that all debug prints are either turned off or removed. Submit all of your files (search.cpp, search.h, showlines.cpp, test1.cpp and test2.cpp).

  6. After you get feedback on your first full version, you might want to make some improvements. Make them, and turn in the second version.

Submitting Your Work

To turn in this program, log into one of the Unix computers in the lab. (You can log in remotely.) Ensure that your files are there. Change to the directory that contains those files. Then issue one of the following commands.


submit 2a search.cpp search.h showlines.cpp

First version

submit 2b search.cpp search.h showlines.cpp test1.cpp test2.cpp

Second version

submit 2c search.cpp search.h showlines.cpp test1.cpp test2.cpp

Frequently Asked Questions