6.1. Turing Reductions

The concept of a reduction

Software designers use top-down design. The idea is, if you need a particular tool, assume that you have it. Later, create it.

The first part of top-down design is called reduction. To reduce problem A to problem B, just show that you can solve A provided that a solution to B is available.

For example, suppose that A is functional problem

A(n) = the smallest prime number that is greater than n
and B is the decision problem
B = {n | n is prime}
The following algorithm is a reduction from A to B.

  k = n + 1
  while kB do
    k = k + 1
  end while
  return k

Oracle machines

Suppose that B is a computational problem (either a functional problem or a decision problem).

Definition. A B-machine is a computer that has a built-in instruction that solves B.

Definition. A B-algorithm is an algorithm that is written for a B-machine.

A B-machine is also called an oracle machine with oracle B.

It is not our concern how the oracle machine solves B. An oracle machine is just a mathematical concept.

Relative computability

Now suppose that A is another computational problem.

Definition. A is computable relative to B if A is solvable by a B-machine.

Turing reductions and reducibility

Suppose that A and B are two computational problems. For our purposes here, an algorithm must never go into an infinite loop. It must always give an answer.

Definition. A Turing reduction from A to B is a B-algorithm that solves A.

Definition. Say that A t B if A is computable relative to B.

Equivalently, A t B if there exists a Turing reduction from A to B.

The fundamental theorem of Turing reductions

What makes reductions useful is that they allow us to show that one problem is computable provided another is.

Theorem. If B is computable and A t B then A is computable.

Proof. If B is computable, then we can take any program for a B-machine and turn it into a standard (non-oracle) machine by replacing uses of the extra instruction for B by a call to a function that solves B.

So the algorithm for A on a B-machine becomes just an algorithm for A.

Since there is an algorithm to solve A, A is computable. ◊

A sample Turing reduction

The halting problem for Turing machines is as follows.

HALTTM = {(p, x) | p is a Turing machine and φp(x) ≠ ⊥}

We can reduce ACCEPTTM to HALTTM as follows.

  accept(p, x) (does p accept input x?)
  if (p, x) ∈ HALTTM then
    Run p on input x
    If p answers yes on x then
      answer yes
      answer no
    end if
    answer no
  end if       

So ACCEPTTM t HALTTM. By the fundamental theorem of Turing reductions,

if HALTTM is computable then ACCEPTTM is also computable.

Flipping Turing reducibility around

There is an important law of propositional logic called the Law of the Contrapositive.

PQ  ⇔  ¬Q ⇒ ¬ P

The fundamental theorem of Turing reducibility can be expressed as follows.

Suppose that A t B. If B is computable then A is computable.

The second sentence is an implication. Let's replace it by its contrapositive.

Corollary. Suppose that A t B. If A is not computable then B is not computable.

Looked at this way, a Turing reduction is a way of showing that one problem is uncomputable based on the knowledge that another problem is uncomputable.

Theorem HALTTM is uncomputable.

Proof. We have shown above that ACCEPTTM t HALTTM. On a previous page we showed that ACCEPTTM is not computable. By the above corollary, HALTTM is not computable. ◊

Turing reducibility is transitive

You can chain Turing reductions together. For example, if you find a Turing reduction from A to B, and you find another Turing reduction from B to C, then you can be assured that there is a Turing reduction from A to C.

A  f  B  g  C

Definition. A relation ∼ is transitive if xy and yzxz.

Theorem. Relation ≤ t is transitive. That is, if A t B and B t C then A t C.

Proof. Suppose that A t B and B t C. That is,

(1) A is computable relative to B.
(2) B is computable relative to C.

By (2), there must exist a C-algorithm R that solves B. So you can take any B-algorithm and turn it into a C-algorithm by replacing all uses of the instruction that solves B by a call to R.

By (1), there must be a B-algorithm that solves A. Turn that B-algorithm into a C-algorithm. Now we have a C-algorithm for A.

So A t C. ◊