Implementation of SFL

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The following describes a step by step plan, with due dates, for creating an implementation of SFL. Follow the plan.

You will write your implementation in C.

  1. The string table (due January 25, 11:59pm)
  2. Lexical analysis (due February 8, 11:59pm)
  3. Abstract syntax trees (due February 19, 11:59pm)
  4. The symbol table (due February 29, 11:59pm)
  5. Interpreter (due March 28, 11:59pm)
  6. The parser (due April 8, 11:59pm)
  7. The semantic parser (due April 18, 11:59pm)
  8. Garbage collection (due April 27, 11:59pm)

Submitting your work

To submit an assignment, log into, change to the directory that contains your source files, and use a command such as the following.

  ~abrahamsonk/5220/bin/submit assignment-name file1 file2
For example, to submit assignment stringtable,
  ~abrahamsonk/5220/bin/submit stringtable allocate.h stringtable.h stringtable.c

If you have any additional files that are needed, submit them too.

You should get a response that the files were submitted successfully. To check what you have submitted for assignment stringtable, use

  ~abrahamsonk/5220/bin/submit stringtable