Programming assignment 2
Creating a parser
CSCI 5220
Spring 2002

Due: Monday, Feb. 25.

Using Bison, create a parser for the language in the appendix of the text. There is an error in the grammar. The production

    factor -> id
should be
    factor -> variable

Your parser should just print yes if the program is syntactically correct and no there is a syntax error.

Turning in your assignment

Turn in your assignment using the handin utility. You can do that as follows. Add the line

     alias handin5220 '/export/stu/classes/csci5220/bin/handin csci5220'
to your .cshrc file (assuming you are using csh). Then turn in the lexer (which I am assuming is called lexer.lex) using the following command.
     handin5220 3 lexer.lex parser.y
You should receive a notification that the handin was successful. If not, then it was not successful.