
Support Tools for the N-Queens Program

%+ Package NqueensSupport export

About this program

This program is written in a style called literate programming, where the focus is on the comments (such as this one) and the code is marked. Each line of code is marked by %+ The compiler will only read the marked lines.

Data structure

An nxn chess board is represented as a matrix (a two-dimensional array). Each member of the matrix is a box, or variable, that holds a boolean value, with value true indicating the presence of a queen, and false indicating the absence of a queen.

The boxes in the array are nonshared, so that different branches in a backtrack search automatically work with different copies of the boxes, and they do not interfere with one another. When the program backtracks over an assignment to a nonshared box, the assignment is undone, and the content of the box is put back the way it used to be. You do not have to do that yourself.

%+  Import "collect/matrix".
%+  Abbrev ChessBoard = Matrix(<:Boolean:>).

Support functions

The support functions build chessboards, install queens onto the chessboard and check whether positions are under attack.

%+ Expect


newChessBoard(n) returns a new nxn chess board. There are no queens on it initially.

%+   newChessBoard : Natural -> ChessBoard;


AddQueen(b,i,n) %AddQueen puts a queen at location (i,j) on board b.

%+   AddQueen      : (ChessBoard, Natural, Natural) -> ();


underAttack(b,i,j) returns true if position (i,j) is currently under attack by a queen on board b.

%+   underAttack   : (ChessBoard, Natural, Natural) -> Boolean;


PrintBoard(b) %PrintBoard prints chess b. Here is a sample of what it prints.

       Q . . . .
       . . Q . .
       . . . . Q
       . Q . . .
       . . . Q .
%+   PrintBoard    : ChessBoard -> ();

%+ %Expect

Implementation of the tools

%+ implementation
%+ Import 
%+   "imperative";
%+   "collect/listfun";
%+   "collect/string";
%+ %Import

Naming conventions

The tools uses the naming conventions shown here. For example, Every occurence of the name bx stands for a box that holds a boolean value.

%+ Assume 
%+   bx    : <:Boolean:>;
%+   brd   : ChessBoard;
%+   rw    : [<:Boolean:>];
%+   i,j,n : Natural
%+ %Assume


%+ Define newChessBoard(?n) = matrix brdArray | 
%+  Var{nonshared} brdArray(n,n) all := false.
%+ %Define


%+ Define AddQueen(?brd,?i,?j). =
%+   Assign brd#(i,j) := true.
%+ %Define


PrintPos bx %PrintPos prints the contents of box bx as a Q or a dot. True means a Q, false means a dot.

PrintRow rw %PrintRow prints row rw of the array. Here, rw is the row itself, not the index of the row. It is a list of boxes.

%+ Define PrintPos(?bx). =
%+   Write[If !bx then " Q" else " ." %If].
%+ %Define
%+ Define PrintRow(?rw). =
%+   MapProc (PrintPos) &, rw.
%+   Writeln.
%+ %Define
%+ Define PrintBoard(?brd). =
%+   MapProc (PrintRow) &, (rows brd).
%+ %Define


occupied?(rw) tells whether list rw contains a queen. rw might be a row, column or diagonal of the chess board. It is a list of boxes.

%+ Define occupied?(?rw) = someSatisfy (!) rw.
%+ Define underAttack(?brd,?i,?j) =
%+   someSatisfy occupied? 
%+     [row i brd, 
%+      column j brd, 
%+      diagLtoR(i,j) brd, 
%+      diagRtoL(i,j) brd]
%+ %Define

End package

%+ %Package