A program to solve the N-Queens program


What this package does

This package solves the n-queens problem using backtracking. The problem is to place n queens on an nxn chess board in such a way that no two queens are attacking one another. A queen attacks another queen that is in the same row or same column or same diagonal. So, to solve the problem, there must be exactly one queen in each row and one queen in each column. Also, there cannot be two queens on the same diagonal.

This program asks the user for n, and shows all possible solutions. For example, if n is 5, one of the solutions that is printed is

       Q . . . .
       . . Q . .
       . . . . Q
       . Q . . .
       . . . Q .
where a dot represents an empty square and a Q represents a queen.

Your job

This program is currently incomplete. You need to complete it. There are three sections, marked below, that you need to fill in. They are the parts that generate the solutions.

The problem is solved by backtracking. The program forks into different threads, exploring different options in separate threads. Only one thread is active at a time. When a thread finds that the decisions that it has made do not work, it stops. The stopping of one thread automatically activates another one.

You can also think of backtracking as backing up the computation, undoing a decision and trying a different one. Statement

   Let x = each [1,2,3,4].
causes the current thread to fork into four threads, one where x is 1, another where x is 2, another where x is 3 and a last one where x is 4. The thread that has set x = 1 runs, and the others wait. If the x = 1 thread gives up, then you think of the program backing up and undoing the decision that x = 1. It tries the other thread, where x = 2, and proceeds from the same point as if it had made this decision initially. Each thread, when it runs, works as if it were the first one taken. It does not know that the others have run before it.

This program represents an nxn chess board as a matrix (a two-dimensional array). Each member of the matrix is a box, or variable, that holds a boolean value, with value true indicating the presence of a queen, and false indicating the absence of a queen.

The boxes in the array are nonshared, so that different threads automatically work with different copies of the boxes, and they do not interfere with one another. When the program backtracks over an assignment to a nonshared box, the content of the box is put back the way it used to be.

Some useful functions

You might find the following functions, provided by package collect/matrix, useful.

matrix A matrix is represented by a list of lists, but it is not the same as its representation, because its type is different. If L is a list of lists then expression matrix(L) produces a matrix whose rows are given by the members of L. For example, matrix [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] produces matrix
    1  2
    3  4
    5  6
For this assignment, you will create a matrix each of whose members is a box that holds a boolean value. Each box in the matrix can have its contents changed. See below for how to build the matrix.
nrows (nrows m) is the number of rows in matrix m.
ncols (ncols m) is the number of columns in matrix m.
row (row n m) is the n-th row of matrix m. Since the members of our matrices are boxes, (row n m) is a list of boxes. Indexing is from 1. (So the top row is row 1.)
column (column n m) is the n-th column of matrix m. Indexing is from 1.
diagLR (diagLR (i,j) m) is the left-to-right diagonal of matrix m that contains index (i,j). Indexing is from 1. For example, the following shows diagLR (2,3) of a 6x6 matrix. The list is indicated by *'s. It is the entire diagonal, from top to bottom, that contains row 2, column 3.
  . * . . . .
  . . * . . .
  . . . * . .
  . . . . * .
  . . . . . *
  . . . . . .
diagRL This is similar to diagLR, but it gives a right-to-left diagonal. For example, the following shows diagRL (3,5) of a 6x6 matrix. Notice that the diagonal contains the element at row 3, column 5.
  . . . . . .
  . . . . . *
  . . . . * .
  . . . * . .
  . . * . . .
  . * . . . .

Important note: When a row, column, etc. is extracted from a matrix of boxes, the result is a list of boxes. Astarte does not automatically dereference boxes. To get the list of the contents of those boxes, you need to map operator ! onto the list. (Function ! takes the content of an individual box.) Function contents, defined in library package boxes.ast, does that map. So the contents of row i of matrix m can be obtained as

contents(row i m)
In our case, that will be a list of Boolean values, with a true value indicating the presence of a queen and a false value indicating an empty square.

About this program

This program is written in a style called literate programming, where the focus is on the comments (such as this one) and the code is marked. Each line of code is marked by %+ The compiler will only read the marked lines.

WARNING. Be sure that each of your code lines begins with %+ Otherwise, the compiler will not read them.

WARNING. Edit this document with a text editor, not with an HTML editor. An HTML editor will mess up the line structure. You have been warned.

Although the code is written in Astarte, the document itself is written in HTML, and can be read by a web browser. When writing code, you will need to be careful. The < and > symbols should be written in HTML form (&lt; and &gt;). The compiler will recognize those as standing for < and >. Quote marks (") are written &quot;.

Begin package and imports

%+Package nqueens

%+  "collect/listfun";
%+  "collect/string";
%+  "collect/boxes";
%+  "collect/matrix";

Naming conventions

The program uses the naming conventions shown here. For example, Every occurence of the name bx stands for a box that holds a boolean value.

%+ Assume bx: <:Boolean:>.      %% bx is a box holding a boolean

%+ Assume brd: Matrix(<:Boolean:>). 
%+                              %% brd is a matrix of boxes, each holding
%+                              %% a boolean value.  It represents 
%+                              %% a chess board.

%+ Assume rw: [<:Boolean:>].    %% rw is a list of boxes holding booleans.  
%+                              %% It is a row, column, etc of a 
%+                              %% chess board.

Printing a chess board

We want to be able to print a chess board with queens. Function PrintBoard prints a dot for each unoccupied position, and a Q for each queen. So a 4x4 board might look like this.

  . Q . .
  . . . Q
  Q . . .
  . . Q .
Function PrintBoard uses helpers PrintPos and PrintRow.

PrintPos(bx) prints the contents of box bx as a Q or a dot. True means a Q, false means a dot.

%+ Define PrintPos(?bx). =
%+   Write[If !bx then " Q" else " ." %If].
%+ %Define

PrintRow(rw) prints row rw of the array. Here, rw is the row itself, not the index of the row. It is a list of boxes.

%+ Define PrintRow(?rw). =
%+   MapProc (PrintPos), rw.
%+   Writeln.
%+ %Define

PrintBoard(brd) prints the entire board brd.

%+ Define PrintBoard(?brd). =
%+   MapProc (PrintRow), (rows brd).
%+ %Define

Testing for queens

occupied?(rw) tells whether list rw contains a queen. rw might be a row, column or diagonal of the chess board. It is a list of boxes.

%+ Define occupied?(?rw) = someSatisfy holdsTrue rw |
%+   Let holdsTrue(?b) = !b.
%+ %Define

Testing for attacks

The following function checks to see whether position (i,j) of chess board brd is already under attack by a queen. Position (i,j) is under attack if its row, column, left-to-right diagonal or right-to-left diagonal contains a queen.

%+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%+ %% This function is not written.  Write it, and delete
%+ %% this comment.  There are three parameters, i, j and brd.
%+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Generating solutions

The following finds all solutions to the n-queens problem, and returns them one at a time in separate threads, by backtracking through all of the solutions.

Hint: Pass the chess board as a parameter. A convenient way to do that is to write a for-loop that installs a queen in each row. (You need to install a queen in every row, so just do them all).

Do not use a for-loop to install a queen in a column of a row, since for each row, you only need a queen in one of the columns, not all columns.

To install a queen in a given row, consider each possible column. For example, each(1 _upto_ n) produces several threads, first returning 1, then 2, then 3, etc. When you get a column, just test it to see that there is no attack. If there is, just fail. Let another thread run. Do not try to do another thread's work for it. You can make a thread fail by doing statement


When you install a queen, just assign true to the box at the selected row and column. Use Assign to put something in a box. The box at index (i,j) of matrix m is m#(i,j).

%+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%+ %% This function is not written.  Write it, and delete
%+ %% this comment.
%+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Getting and showing all solutions

DrawLine(n). prints a line made of 2n dashes. It is used to separate different solutions from one another.

%+ Let DrawLine(?n). =
%+   For ? from 1 _upto_ n do
%+     Write["--"].
%+   %For
%+   Writeln.
%+ %Let

The main program reads n and prints all solutions to the n-queens problem. Here is the main program.

%+ ==================================================
%+ Execute
%+   Assume n: Natural.
%+   Write["How large a board shall I use? "].
%+   Extract [$(?n)] from bxStdin.
%+   DrawLine(n).
     Variable bxNsolns counts the number of solutions
     found.  It is a shared box, since it must be
     updated by all of the successful threads, and changes
     to it should not be undone when the program backtracks.
%+   Var{shared} bxNsolns := 0.
     brd is the board.  Let's fill it with false, so that
     there are no queens on the board yet.  (You can create
     the board here or inside the function that fills the board.
     If you create it inside the other function, delete it
%+   Var{nonshared} brdrows(n,n)  all := false.
%+   Let brd = matrix(brdrows).
     After each successful solution is found, a failure
     is caused, forcing backtracking to find the next
     solution.  Finally, after the last solution is found,
     the n-queens finder will fail.  This try catches that
     last failure.
%+   Try
       Get a solution, print it, and increment
       the solution count.  Print a line between
       solutions to separate them.
%+     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%+     %% This part is not written.  Write it and delete
%+     %% this comment.
%+     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
       Fail, to force more solutions to be found.
%+     DrawLine(n).
%+     {false}
%+   %Try    
     After printing all of the solutions, print
     the number of solutions found.
%+   Writeln.
%+   Writeln["There are ", $(!bxNsolns), " solutions."].

End the package

%+ %Package