
General issues

  1. Syllabus
  2. Rules for writing programs

Course outline

We will study aspects of programming languages, including

  • Syntax
  • Semantics (meaning)
  • Different paradigms of computation
  • Definition methods
  • Types and type checking
  • Implementation methods

We will explore fundamental aspects of

  • Imperative programming, including
    • Procedural programming
    • Object-oriented programming
  • Declarative programming, including
    • Functional programming
    • Logic programming

The goal is not merely to learn several languages, but to understand the underlying principals behind broad classes of languages.

What is the difference between declarative and imperative programming?

  • In imperative programming
    • Programs are based on giving commands.
    • The control of those commands is explicit.
    • The facts behind a program are implicit.
  • In declarative programming
    • Programs are based on writing facts.
    • The facts are explicit in programs.
    • The control (how the facts are used to compute) is implicit.

As an example, consider writing a program (or part of a program) to compute factorials.

Imperative style

The following sets R = n!.

  R = 1;
  I = 1;
  while I < n
    R = I * R
    I = I + 1
But why should we believe that it works? One method is to use a loop invariant, which is a fact about the values of the variables that is true each time the program gets to the top of the loop. A loop invariant for this loop is R = (I-1)!. The values that R and I take on are shown in the following table. Notice that, at every line, R = (I-1)!.
       R    I
      ---  ---
       1    1
       1    2
       2    3
       6    4
      24    5
Can we convince ourselves that the loop invariant is really true at every line? We can by noticing two things.

  1. It is true at the first line
  2. For each line, if the loop invariant is true at that line, then it is also true at the next line.

It is easy to see that R = (I-1)! is true at the first line because 0! = 1.

Imagine that we reach a row where R = x and I = y. The next line will have R = xy and I = y+1.

       R    I
      ---  ---
       x    y
       yx   y+1
If we believe that x = (y-1)!, why should we believe that yx = ((y+1)-1)!?

Since we are presuming that x = (y-1)!, we can replace x by (y-1)! in the equation yx = ((y+1)-1)!, yielding the fact that we need to be true:

y(y-1)! = ((y+1)-1)!
(y-1)!y = y!
This fact is the basis for our reasoning that our program works. It is implicit, not stated in the program, but it is key to the program's correctness.

Declarative style

In a declarative style, the facts are the program. So the program is

0! = 1
y! = y(y-1)! (for y > 0)
But how can these facts be used to perform computation? We can compute by using the equations to replace expressions by equal expressions. This is the control that is implicit. It is used without being stated in the program.
  3! = 3*(3-1)!
     = 3*2!
     = 3*(2*(2-1)!)
     = 3*(2*1!)
     = 3*(2*(1*(1-1)!))
     = 3*(2*(1*0!))
     = 3*(2*(1*1))
     = 3*(2*1)
     = 3*2
     = 6
