Instructions for handing in programs

Please print your program and hand in the printed version as usual. Also, however, do the following, for programs 7 and beyond.

  1. Be sure that you are on one of the Dell computers, not one of the Sparcs.

  2. To turn in assignment 7, consisting of files, random.h and, type the following command in a terminal window.
        alias handin "/export/stu/classes/csci2610/bin/handin csci2610 "
        handin 7 random.h

  3. You can hand in revised versions. They will replace the old versions. You only need to type the alias command once in a terminal. From then on, you can just do the handin command in that terminal. So if you also want to submit assignment 8, consisting of file, type
         handin 8

If you have any problems, let me know.