3B. Abbreviations for Assignments

Abbreviations for assignments

Increment and decrement

It is common to find that you want to change a variable by adding or subtracting 1. Of course,

  n = n + 1;
will change n to have a value one larger than its former value. But there are some convenient abbreviations. Statement
means the same thing as n = n + 1; and statement
is equivalent to statement n = n - 1;

Operator assignment


  x += E;
is equivalent to
  x = x + (E);
For example,
  kangaroo += 2;
is equivalent to
  kangaroo = kangaroo + 2;

You can use any binary operator (+, -, *, etc.) with =. For example, statement

  x *= n + 1;
has the same effect as statement
  x = x * (n+1);

Do not use ++ or -- in expressions

It is common for students to confuse x++ with x+1. But the two have very different meanings: x++ changes the value of variable x, but x+1 does not change x.

The coding standards for this course require that you only use abbreviations such as x++ and x-- as statements, not as expressions. Never write x++ as a parameter of a function.


Abbreviations for assignment statements include x++, which abbreviates x = x + 1, and x--, which abbreviates x = x - 1.


  1. What does

    abbreviate? Answer

  2. What does

      lazy *= w + 1;
    abbreviate? Answer

  3. Does

      int x = 0;
      x = x++;
    make sense? If so, what is the value of x after doing both lines? Answer