Computer Science 2530
Fall 2016
Programming Assignment 6

Assigned: Wednesday, October 26
Due: Thursday, November 10, 11:59pm

Table of Contents

  1. Purpose of this assignment
  2. Graphs and terminology
  3. Assignment requirements
  4. Representing Graphs: Types Vertex, Edge and Graph
  5. Input and echoing
  6. Dijkstra's algorithm and discrete event simulation
  7. Design and development plan
  8. Tracing
  9. Compiling, linking and running
  10. Things to watch out for
  11. Submitting your work

Purpose of This Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to develop your abilities to write a larger application involving arrays, structures and linked lists. It also introduces switchable tracing.

Warning. In the past, many students have started too late on this assignment, and have submitted programs that did not compile or were only the beginnings of full programs. Start early. This assignment will take more time than you expect it to.

Graphs and Terminology

This assignment uses weighted graphs, as described in assignment 4. Be sure that you are familiar with weighted graphs.

Two vertices are said to be adjacent if there is an edge that connects them directly to one another. A given edge is incident on each of the vertices that it connects.

Think of the vertices of a weighted graph as towns and the edges as roads. The weight of an edge is the length of the road. One thing that you might like to know is how to get from one town to another by the shortest possible route. For example, in the following weighted graph, the shortest route from vertex 1 to vertex 5 is to go from 1 to 3 and then from 3 to 5, and the length of that route is 27. You add the weights of the edges that you use.

For this assignment, the weights are real numbers (type double). All of the weights are required to be nonnegative. Edges of weight 0 are allowed.

Assignment Requirements

Functional Requirements

Write a program that reads information about a weighted graph from the standard input. The input format is described in detail below. After the description of the graph, the input has two vertex numbers, s and t.

Your program should print a description of the graph, followed by the shortest path from s to t and the distance from s to t via that path, on the standard output.

For example, the input might look like this.

1 2  9.0
1 3 12.0
2 4 18.0
2 3  6.0
2 5 20.0
3 5 15.0
1 5
That says that there are five vertices. There is an edge from vertex 1 to vertex 2 with weight 9.0, an edge from vertex 1 to vertex 3 with weight 12.0, etc. The start vertex s is 1, and the end vertex t is 5. The output for this input would be as follows.
There are 5 vertices and 6 edges.
The edges are as follows.

 (1,3) weight 12.000
 (1,2) weight 9.000
 (2,5) weight 20.000
 (2,3) weight 6.000
 (2,4) weight 18.000
 (3,5) weight 15.000

The shortest path from 1 to 5 has length 27.000 and is
1 -> 3 -> 5

Nonfunctional Requirements

Create a directory to hold assignment 6 and call your program dijkstra.cpp. Start with the standard template.

Below is a description of an algorithm, based on Dijkstra's algorithm, for solving this problem. You are required to use that algorithm, and to follow the guidelines for its implementation. It is not acceptable to rely on a different approach to the problem. Follow the design.

Make variable and function names sensible. Use sensible terminology. If something is a graph, do not call it an edge. If something is an edge, do not call it a vertex. Keep functions short and simple.

As always, you must follow the coding standards for this course.

Representing Graphs: Types Vertex, Edge and Graph

This assignment uses a different graph representation from assignment 4. Here, we use the adjacency list representation.

Types and information representation

1. Type Vertex

Create and document type Vertex. Each vertex v has the following pieces of information.

  • A pointer to a linked list of edges listing all edges that are incident on v. This list is called an adjacency list.

  • A real number indicating v's shortest distance from the start vertex. This number is −1 if the distance is not yet known.

  • A vertex number u. The shortest path from v to the start vertex begins by going from v to u. If the shortest path is not known, u is −1.

Create a constructor for type Vertex that takes no parameters and sets the vertex number and distance to −1 and the linked list to NULL.

2. Type Edge

Create and document type Edge. Type Edge is used for a cell in an adjacency list. The Edge structure stores three things.

  • A vertex number u.

  • A weight w.

  • A pointer next that points to the next Edge in the linked list.

Create a constructor that takes three parameters (a vertex number, a weight and a next pointer) and installs them into the three fields.

If a cell with vertex u and weight w occurs in the adjacency list for vertex v, then the graph has an edge from v to u of weight w.

Important note. An edge between u and v must occur in two adjacency lists, the list for u and the list for v, since it can be used to go from u to v or from v to u.

3. Type Graph

Create and document type Graph. A graph stores the following.

  • The number of vertices.

  • The number of edges.

  • An array, vertices, where vertices[v] is a Vertex structure giving information about vertex v.

Create a contructor for Graph that takes a number of vertices as a parameter. It should allocate an array for the vertices and set the number of edges to 0. Notice that it is not necessary to have a maximum number of vertices. You allocate the array after you know how many vertices there are.

Input and Echoing

Input and echoing

4. Reading the Graph

Document and define a function to read a graph. You can use your function from assignment 4 as a starting point, but be careful to notice that the graph representation has changed.

Do not change the graph representation to make the old graph reader work unchanged. Use the adjacency list representation. Only store the graph once.

5. Printing a Graph

Document and define a function to print a graph. Again, you can use your function from assignment 4 as a starting point, but make sure to convert it to the new graph representation.

6. Testing

Test reading and echoing the graph. Do not move on until you are satisfied that this much works.

Dijkstra's Algorithm and Discrete Event Simulation

Dijkstra's algorithm is a well-known algorithm for computing shortest paths in a graph.

Imagine yourself at the start vertex. You send out a signal from there along each edge, where the signal takes w seconds to traverse an edge of weight w. For example, if the start vertex is vertex 1 and there is an edge between vertices 1 and 2 of weight 5.1, then the signal sent from vertex 1 reaches vertex 2 after 5.1 seconds.

The first time a signal reaches a vertex v, you record the time at which the signal arrived and from which vertex the signal was sent. (The time is really the distance. We are computing distances, but it is easier to understand the algorithm if you think in terms of time. So we use time and distance interchangeably.)

When vertex 2 receives a signal from vertex 1 at time 5.1, it sends a signal to all vertices that are adjacent to it. For example, if there is an edge from vertex 2 to vertex 3 of weight 2.0, then the signal from vertex 2 to vertex 3 arrives at vertex 3 at time 7.1 (It was sent after 5.1 seconds into the simulation, and it arrives at vertex 3 two seconds later.).

A vertex can receive more than one signal. Only the first signal that it receives is meaningful. The second and subsequent signals are ignored.

The algorithm is finished when a signal reaches the end vertex. The time at which the signal arrived at the end vertex tells the distance from the start vertex to the end vertex.

Let's write previous(u) for the number of the vertex from which the first signal reached vertex u. Then path [u, previous(u), previous(previous(u)), …] is the shortest path from u back to the start vertex. The path from the start vertex to u is the reversal of that.

Discrete Event Simulation

This program must simulate sending and receiving signals. To do that, it keeps a list of events, where an event holds three pieces of information, (u, v, t), and indicates the arrival of a signal from vertex u at vertex v at time t.

The idea is to store the events in increasing order by the times at which they occur. The program repetitively performs the following steps. This loop is called the event loop. For brevity, I write previous(v) for g.vertices[v].previous and distance(v) for g.vertices[v].distance.

  1. Get the next event (u, v, t) representing the arrival of a signal from u to v at time t. The next event is the one that occurs next in chronological order. So it is the one with the smallest time. An event only happens once, so remove this event.

  2. If no signal has yet arrived at vertex v, then do the following.

    1. Record previous(v) = u and distance(v) = t.

    2. For each edge that is incident on vertex v (say, connecting v with vertex x and having weight w), if x has not yet received a signal then send a signal from v to x.

      You accomplish that by scheduling a new event (v, x, t+w) indicating that a signal will arrive at vertex x, coming from vertex v, at a time that is w seconds after time t.

Design and Development Plan

Development plan

7. Events

Create and document a type Event. An event stores a sender, a receiver and a time at which the event occurs.

You will want a header file that defines type Event. Call it event.h. It should look as follows.

#ifndef EVENT_H
#define EVENT_H

struct Event


8. The Event Queue

You should notice that the operations needed for events are exactly the ones supported by a priority queue. So you should create a priority queue, called the event queue. The priority of an event is its time.

Create a copy of pqueue.h and pqueue.cpp for use with this assignment. Modify the definition of PQItemType in your priority queue module to be

  typedef Event* PQItemType;
Make sure that you allocate events in the heap. When you remove an event from the event queue, delete it when you are finished looking at it.

Note. Your shortest-distance module should only use the things in the priority queue module that the priority queue module exports. You are not allowed to make use of the fact that a priority queue is represented as a linked list. You are not allowed to make direct use of a value of type PQCell or PQCell*. Stick to the interface. You will be shocked by the number of points that you lose if you violate the priority queue interface.

9. Sending Signals

Document and define a function that takes a graph g, a vertex v and a priority queue q. It should send a signal from v to every vertex that is adjacent to v in g, excluding those that have already received a signal. And that is all it should do. Don't add other duties.

To send a signal, just schedule its arrival by adding an event to the priority queue.

10. Processing an Event

Document and define a function that takes a graph, a priority queue and an event, and that processes the event.

Suppose the event represents a signal from vertex u to vertex v that arrives at time t. If vertex v has previously received a signal, do nothing. Throw this event away.

But if no signal has yet reached v, then store u as v's previous vertex and t as its distance. Then send a signal to each vertex that is adjacent to v (and that has not already received a signal).

This function should only process an event. Don't add any additional duties.

11. Running Dijkstra's Algorithm

Document and define a function that performs Dikjstra's algorithm. It starts by sending a signal to the start vertex that comes from ficticious vertex 0 and that arrives at time 0. Then it goes into the event loop. It keeps getting and processing events until a signal has reached the end vertex.

12. Showing the Path

When the simulation is finished, the shortest distance from the start vertex to the end vertex is simply the distance stored with the end vertex. You can follow a path from t back to s easily.

     t -----> previous(t) -------> previous(previous(t)) ----> ... -----> s
Print that chain out backwards, so that it goes from s to t instead of from t to s. The easiest way to do that is to use recursion. To print a path backwards, starting at vertex u, print the path starting at previous(u) backwards, then print u. Of course, in the special case where u is the start vertex s, just print s. Remember to put -> between vertex numbers.



13. Tracing

You are required to put trace (or debug) prints in your program that can be turned on and off. If tracing is turned on, trace the following.

  1. Show the sending of a signal. Show who sends it, who will receive it, the time it is sent, and the time it will arrive.

  2. Show the arrival of a signal. Show where it came from, where it arrived and the arrival time.

  3. Show updates of the previous and distance fields when the first signal arrives at a vertex.

Make your traces clear and easy to understand. It should not require an expert to read them. Do not show raw data. To trace the arrival of a signal, your program might show something like the following.

 Time 22.1: A signal arrives at vertex 5 from vertex 2.

14. Turning Tracing On or Off

The program should look at the command line. If the command line contains -t, then tracing should be turned on. If not, tracing should be turned off. When tracing is turned off, there must be no tracing.

Use a global variable that holds 0 if there is no tracing and 1 if there is tracing. This is one of the few places where you are allowed to use a global variable. Just define the variable near the beginning of your module, outside of any functions.

Write a separate function that sets the tracing variable by looking at the command line.

The command line is passed to main. Use the following heading for main.

 int main(int argc, char** argv)
Parameter argc tells how many parts the command line has, and argv[i] is the i-th part (a null-terminated string). For example, if the command is
  ./dijkstra -t
then argc is 2, argv[0] is "./dijkstra" and argv[1] is "-t".

Compiling, Linking and Running

A Makefile is provided for you. You can use the following commands with it.

make dijkstra
Just compile pqueue.cpp and dijkstra.cpp, if necessary, and link them to create executable file dijkstra.

make pqueue.o
Just compile pqueue.cpp, if necessary.

make dijkstra.o
Just compile dijkstra.cpp, if necessary.

make test
Do make dijkstra then run it.

make debug
Do make dijkstra then run it via the gdb debugger.

make clean
Remove all machine-generated files.

Things to watch out for

  1. This assignment is larger than prior assignments. In the past, students have become overwhelmed and have stopped paying attention to basics. But the basics are even more important as the size of a program increases.

    Write clear, concise and precise contracts. Pay attention to that. Write a contract before you start to work on a function.

    Keep your program organized and easy to read while you write it.

    Use successive refinement. Write a little bit and test that. Do not try to write the entire program before testing any of it.

  2. Each function can have at most one loop in its body. Do not use one loop to simulate two nested loops by manipulating the loop parameters.

  3. Keep function definitions reasonably short. If a function definition is more than 25 noncomment lines long, it should be broken up into smaller, sensible functions.

  4. A function body must not change the value of a call-by-value parameter.

Submitting Your Work

To turn in your work, log into the Linux system, change your directory for the one for assignment 6, use the following command.

  ~abrahamsonk/2530/bin/submit 6 pqueue.cpp pqueue.h event.h dijkstra.cpp
After submitting, you should receive confirmation that the submission was successful. If you do not receive confirmation, assume that the submission did not work.


  ~abrahamsonk/2530/bin/submit 6
will show you what you have submitted for assignment 6.

You can do repeated submissions. New submissions will replace old ones.

Late Submissions

Late submissions will be accepted for 24 hours after the due date. If you miss a late submission deadline by a microsecond, your work will not be accepted.