The RSA cipher system

Package RSAExample

Import "math/modular".

inverse m x = the inverse of x (mod m).
The algorithm is the Extended Euclidean Algorithm,
and is taken from the math/modular library.

Let inverse m x = y |
  Match (y `modulo` ?) = /(x `modulo` m).  

Main program

    p      = 5;
    q      = 11;
    n      = p*q;
    r      = (p-1)*(q-1);
    e      = head [x | x from [3,...,r-1], gcd(x,r) == 1];
    d      = inverse r e;

    enc(x) = x^e `mod` n;
    dec(x) = x^d `mod` n;

    a      = enc(2);
    aa     = dec(a);
    b      = enc(3);
    bb     = dec(b);
    c      = enc(50);
    cc     = dec(c);

    "n   = "; n;  "\n";
    "r   = "; r;  "\n";
    "d   = "; d;  "\n";
    "e   = "; e;  "\n";
    "enc(2)       = ";  a;  "\n";
    "dec(enc(2))  = ";  aa; "\n";
    "enc(3)       = ";  b;  "\n";
    "dec(enc(3))  = ";  bb; "\n";
    "enc(50)      = ";  c;  "\n";
    "dec(enc(50)) = ";  cc; "\n";



n   = 55
r   = 40
e   = 3
d   = 27

enc(2)       = 8
dec(enc(2))  = 2
enc(3)       = 27
dec(enc(3))  = 3
enc(50)      = 40
dec(enc(50)) = 50