CSCI 2310/2311
Algorithmic Problem Solving and Programming Laboratory
Spring 2005

Class meeting 12:00-12:50 MWF Austin 303
Lab meeting 3:30-5:30 M Austin 209 or
3:30-5:30 W Austin 209
Instructor Karl Abrahamson
Office Sci&Tech C-113
Office hours MW 10:30-11:45;
MW 2:00-3:15;
or by appointment
Phone 328-9689
Course web page
My web page
Text Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming by Walter Savitch

Lab component

You should be signed up for both CSCI 2300 section 001 and CSCI 2311 section 001 or 002. If you are signed up for a different section of CSCI 2311, then change the section.

Course objectives

This is a course on computer programming and problem solving. We will use Java as the programming language. This is not a course on Java or on the Java library (sometimes called the application program interface). We will cover as much of Java as we need to achieve the objectives of the course.


The following is a partial list of topics to be covered.

  1. The concepts of variables, primitive types and assignments. Expressions.

  2. Elementary control structures: sequencing, conditionals and loops.

  3. The concept of a function. Parameter passing. Motivation for parameter passing. Recursion as a control structure.

  4. Writing function contracts and designing functions. The process of converting from a definition of a function's intended behavior to an algorithm, and then to a program. Understanding algorithms, and why they work.

  5. Elementary textual input and output.

  6. Elementary objects and classes. Motivation for using objects and classes. Defining the intent of an object, in terms of what it remembers, and what its methods accomplish.

  7. Visibility issues with objects. Motivation for visibility restrictions.


Grading will be as follows.

Five quizzes 7% each
A comprehensive final exam 20%
Approximately 10 programming assignments 35% total
Attendance in both 2310 and 2311 10%

Cutoffs for grades will tentatively be 90% for an A, 80% for a B, 70% for a C and 60% for a D. Those cutoffs will not be raised.


No incompletes will be issued in this course except for extraordinary circumstances, and even then only if you are nearly done already, and have done work of acceptable quality that it is realistic that you can pass the course. An incomplete will not be given simply because a student could not find the time to do the course work. By registering for this course, you are committing to finding time to do the work.

Recommendations for success

  1. Attend class. Attend the lab. Arrive on time.

  2. Do not allow yourself to fall behind. Work on the homework early. Do not wait until just before the deadline.

  3. Schedule time to work outside of class. The time available during the lab will not be enough, and you will need to put in additional time.

  4. Read your notes and the book twice. Take a break (like a whole day) in between. You will learn much more this way.

  5. If you are having trouble, seek help soon. Do not wait until it is too late.

Weather emergencies

In the event of a weather emergency, information about ECU can be accessed through the following sources:

ECU emergency notices
ECU emergency information hotline 252-328-0062

Students with disabilities

East Carolina University seeks to comply fully with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Students requesting accommodations based on a covered disability must go to the Department for Disability Support Services, located in Brewster A-114, to verify the disability before any accommodations can occur. The telephone number is 252-328-6799.